The Bay Information Hub

Offering information and support to carers and people affected by Alzheimer's, vascular & other dementias, Parkinson's, MND and other neurological conditions. We aim to provide support from:

  • Specialist dementia nurses
  • Lawyers/financial planners
  • Social workers
  • Citizens Advice
  • MAC Clinical Research
  • The Alzheimer's Society
  • Community Mental Health Team
  • Lancashire Carers
  • Age UK Lancashire
  • Lancaster City Councillor
  • Lancs Constabulary
  • Lancs Fire and Rescue
  • Join Dementia Research
  • People living with dementia

The Bay Information Hub takes place on the first Friday of every month, between 1:30 pm and 3:30pm, at either:

Trimpell Sports & Social Club

Out Moss Lane

Morecambe, LA4 4UP


St. Paul's Parish Hall

Scotforth Road

Lancaster, LA1 4TS

View our upcoming meeting dates on the schedule page

What is The Hub?

The Hub is a unique, community based service with open access for local residents with dementia, Parkinson's, MND, MSA and other neurological conditions, their families, friends and carers, as well as anyone else who may be worried about their memory.

What we do!

After a diagnosis of dementia, Parkinson's or other neurological conditions, it can sometimes be difficult to find out what support is available. The Hub is a friendly place, where we can offer help and guidance in many areas of concern.

We hope to help people live independent and comfortable lives, to feel supported and to be kept informed of the services available to them. There is a wide range of professional people and organisations on hand to offer help and advice, as well as people who are living with a diagnosis and their carers/partners.


“My wife Wendy received a diagnosis of early onset Alzheimer's back in March '16. The Bay Information Hub provides a regular opportunity to seek advice from a range of organisations who have expertise in a number of areas, which are relevant to people living with dementia and their carers. We have found that through speaking to specific organisations / individuals, together with information presented by the arranged speakers, we have always taken away something from each session. I like to let Wendy know whenever there is a hub session approaching and she looks forward to a cup of tea and a cake (or two!) and giving the professionals that she has established a rapport with a hug!

Mr Martin Scott, Lancaster

Social Media

To keep up to date with all The Bay Information Hub news, activity and updates, "Like" our Facebook page and "Follow" us on Twitter.

Following our social media will also help you stay up to date with current dementia research, as well as provide opportunities to take part in local research studies.